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About Us

Our Organization

Founded in May of 2017 and based in Miami, Florida, Beldorin Four Star Foundation began with our family's mission to end poverty. We had a vision of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and providing medical attention to the sick. Although we were solving these issues one individual at a time, we soon realized a greater need for providing shelter for homeless families. What started out with 1 founder and 6 co-founders have now grown to 107 members strong who all have one goal in mind: to make life a little easier, one deserving family at a time.


Beldorin Four Star Foundation is an international foundation founded by Jensen D. Beldorin, on behalf of the Beldorin families, based in Miami, Florida in the United States of America. The Foundation was created to honor THREE BROTHERS and ONE SISTER, who were servants of God and spent their lifetimes assisting the poorest people with a sense of pride. They took great pleasure in being able to feed the poor, provide them shelter as well as offer medical assistance when needed. Inspired by their great leadership, the whole family decided to become united under one Foundation and vowed to follow in their footsteps in order to assist the poorest of the poor anywhere they can be reached in the world.  Although, the foundation is partly funded by the annual contributions of some generous friends  as well as all of it's members, the majority of funding are received from public donations from around the world. Poverty is not a choice, but instead an unfortunate situation that could lead anyone into despair. We invite compassionate donors, brothers and sisters of good will to join us in order to make the world a better place for the less fortunate ones.


To uplift the less fortunate so that they are able to move forward in life.


To provide the basic essentials to the poor, such as food, shelter and medical assistance as well aide in the aftermath of natural disasters around the world. 


Inspired by the charity of our ancestors, we continue to be guided by the following values: 







Our Team

Beldorin Four Star Foundation Is Composed Of:

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Jensen D. Beldorin


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Maureen Beldorin Joseph

English Secretary

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Roselene Beldorin

Strategic Advisor


Vice President / Treasury

Stanley Beldorin



Sr. Margarita Hall


Fr. Marcel Beldorin

Vice President


Vice President

Jerome Beldorin

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Treasury / French Secretary

Bonnheur Beldorin


Fr. Rebert Beldorin

Assistant Vice President





Sr. Immaculee Beldorin

General Assistant


Beldorin Four Star Foundation is an international charity founded by JENSEN D. BELDORIN on behalf of the BELDORIN’s families, based in Miami, Florida in the United States of America.  Beldorin Four Star Foundation was created to honor THREE BROTHERS and ONE SISTER, who were the servants of GOD and spent their lifetime assisting the poor with a sense of pride. The Foundation is operated with private capital generated by the annual contribution of its members.  All donors, organizations, brothers and sisters of good will and compassion for the poor are invited to join us in the fight to make the world a better place to live. 

THE 4 STARS includes APPOLEUS BELDORIN, father of Jensen Dieubon Beldorin and grand-father of MAUREEN and STANLEY, his uncles AUGUSTAVE BELDORIN and MERZIUS BELDORIN and his aunt PHILOMENE Beldorin FORTUNAT.  All of these individuals made a lot of sacrifices in order to support the poorest people in their home town of Haiti.  Their main goals involved preaching the gospel of God to the poor, providing them with food, shelter, clothes, medical assistance as well as motivating them to work in order to help themselves.

The main star and leader, APPOLEUS BELDORIN, was one of the 1st catechist director in the Chapel of Mare-Rouge.  He assisted the priests to carry out their mission in preaching the good news of GOD to believers and non-believers.  It is really amazing to see that this same Chapel has turned into a Parish where priests are now able to serve the people of Mare-Rouge 24/7. Mare-Rouge was at that time a countryside where people only built their houses with palm tree leaves. Mr. Appoleus Beldorin was blessed enough to be among the first few people in Mare-Rouge and the very first person in his entire family, who built a tin house in this town.  He was a gifted herbalist and was living in a town where doctors and health care workers were not available. Some of the people in his town had never seen a doctor in their entire lifetime, yet he was able to heal them with leaves of particular trees. He was also able to hold your hand by your wrist and tell you about most of the diseases you had suffered with.  If he promised to heal you and you followed his advice, you had a chance to survive.  However, if you didn’t believe him and preferred to travel for several days to see a doctor instead, after being assessed, the doctor would tell you the same exact thing you heard from him.  He was a leader of his community and was able to found a Community Council, in a place where people were living in a primitive way in which they believed a tooth for tooth and an eye for eye.  He gave the council about 2 acres of land in order to learn to work together, to eat together and to live as good neighbors instead of being hateful and fearful of each other.  It was the first time that this community started learning to trust each other and live in harmony.  They learned the importance of planting their own crops such as carrots, beets, tomatoes, and lettuce. 


After founding the community council, Mr. Appoleus Beldorin built the first tin house for this community, which he ended up using to open the first school in such a short period of time.  He ordered the whole town to send their children to school and as a result the school were overloaded with kids from 7 years old to 18 years old.  For the first time, these kids were able to learn the French alphabet.  These children who began their education at the school are now lawyers, engineers, mechanics, and even professors today.  On Sundays, this same school served as a church so that the community could come to hear the gospel and learn about God.  Till this day, this public school is still up and running, bringing education to many children in the town of Lavatiere.  Mr. Appoleus Beldorin also quickly built a road to make sure that vehicles could reach the town of LAVATIERE, which still exists today in the far west part of HAITI.  Lavatiere is located in the north western side of Haiti between the city of Mole St. Nicholas, between the village of Bombardopolis and the village of Mare rouge and is considered to be the attic of neighboring areas.  At that time the people weren’t familiar with vehicles and would run away at the sight of one.   One day a truck delivered food to the school and Mr. Appoleus Beldorin made sure that the people were safe and understood how to take precautions when around a truck.  He was even able to talk to the driver and convince him to drive some of people around in the truck down the same road that he built.  The people were scared to get close to the truck, but after riding around in the truck for about four miles, that’s all they could talk about it because it was such an amazing experience for them.  The government sent food such as wheat, corn, soya and even powdered milk to Lavatiere in order to feed the kids in school each day.


He later created an afternoon school program for the adults to also learn how to read and write.  On his spare time, he would also travel from one village to the next in order to assist everyone with all kinds of diseases.  This included treating open wounds, fever, malaria, epilepsy, migraines and even being able to puncture any abscess. 

There was a time when a famine hit Haiti mostly in the North West side of the country and as a result, people were starving to death. Mr. Appoleus Beldorin, who at time was the president of a community council movement lamented about the situation affecting the people. During this time, the United States of America would help to assist Haiti with food and Mr. Appoleus Beldorin made sure to address the local government to provide some food assistance to his village. He would walk for about two hours to get to the nearest government office, where he would receive between 400 to 500 food assistance cards in order to distribute to the poor people who were starving to death.  The task was difficult, but he would spend two weeks traveling to everyone in the village simply because people did not live close to one another. Mr. Appoleus Beldorin would leave his house at 8:00 AM and arrive back home at 6:00 PM every day of the week, except Sundays.  On a daily basis, the house of Appoleus Beldorin was considered to be a true canteen.


His wife Saintilia Beldorin was a compassionate woman, who would wake up early in the morning to prepare some food in order to feed the many poor people who would come to spend the day at her house in order to be fed.  After preparing breakfast for them, around 2 PM, she would also cook them a good dinner and would also give each individual enough food to cook supper for the rest of their family that could not make it to their house.  Mrs. Saintilia Beldorin remained as a great powerful force behind her husband by helping to feed every hungry person who would knock on their door, no matter who they were or where they came from.  Marie Vierge Beldorin, Montfort Beldorin, and I, Jensen D. Beldorin all witnessed our mother, Mrs. Saintilia Beldorin, opening her door during one cold night to let a very crazy woman to sleep in our house for a whole night.  Although we, as children, were scared of her because she seemed to be a violent person, my mother’s priority was that she would not go another day without being fed.  Therefore, she fed her, gave her something to drink, fixed her bed nicely and provided a blanket for to her to cover herself. She slept quietly that night with no problem at all.  Then she was fed again by my mother in the morning and lady soon disappeared immediately after eating her breakfast.  


After the passing away of Mr. Appoleus Beldorin at the age of 57 years old, many people from his town and surrounding villages mourned his death for quite some time.  Many of the village people still continue to talk about Mr. Appoleus Beldorin and his wife Saintilia Beldorin for their great compassion and work geared towards the poor. The majority of the people were greatly affected by his death, however there was one man in particular that really suffered from this loss.  This man suffered with a very severe abscess and kept calling out for Mr. Appoleus Beldorin, stating that if he was still alive he would’ve been able to stop the pain and heal him.  One night he saw Mr. Appoleus Beldorin in his dream, who came to puncture his abscess.  When he awoke his abscess was flat and he was free of pain.  The man went on to tell the story of this miracle, sharing his testimony up until his death. 


I, Jensen Dieubon Beldorin, the Founder of Beldorin Four Star Foundation as well as the son of APPOLEUS BELDORIN and SAINTILIA BELDORIN saw him in a dream, while I was looking at the sky.  Suddenly, I saw myself in the air and saw a big, white curtain attached to the sky coming from heaven.  The curtain was open and I was elevated to the air.  I admired the curtain and suddenly saw a white horse with someone galloping on the horse.  As the person got close to me, I realized that it was my father and I gasped and said “Oh wow! Look at my father!”  He then looked at me and smiled then turned back and galloped toward the curtain and went in and the beautiful white curtain was closed immediately.  I then opened my eyes.  


Therefore, our mission is to continue our parents’ legacy to assist poor people in dire need by providing food, clothing, shelter and medical assistance throughout not only the country of Haiti, but in other countries in need throughout the world.  


The second star, AUGUSTAVE BELDORIN, was a catechist director who assisted many people to learn about God and he was the secretary of the Community Council that was founded in Lavatiere. He took on the role of midwife and took great pride in caring for pregnant women during their pregnancy up until they gave birth.  It is important to note that they lived in the northwestern part of the country, which is the poorest part of Haiti where there were no medical doctors whatsoever. Since he was the second man in charge of the town, he, after the death of Mr. Appoleus Beldorin, his brother, took over the town by assisting people with their medical needs.  He was able to use the leaves of trees to heal the sick people and even had a mini pharmacy that contained basic medications, such as pain killers, which he used to help people who suffered from headaches, stomachaches and other body aches. He was also able to sew any open wound and took care of it until it was completely healed. His wife, who was always supported him, was able to  help accomplish many things during this great mission such as helping poor people and made sure her husband assisted every sick people whether they could afford to pay or not.  Mr. Augustave passed away at the age of 77 years and although the condition of the town is somewhat a little better, people still have to travel a very long distance just to see a physician.  Also, to make matters more difficult, a doctor’s consultation is very expensive and most people cannot afford to see a doctor, even in case of life threatening emergency. This is a reality of life throughout the country except in a few major cities.


According to his son, Jerome Beldorin, his first born son, who is the vice president of Beldorin Four Star Foundation, and Mrs. Lourdes Beldorin Estima, his first daughter, a member of the foundation, and Sr. Immaculee Beldorin, a catholic nun, considered their father as a man of faith, a man of good moral character and a tireless man, who spent all his life serving others. Therefore, Mr. Jerome Beldorin, like his father, is committed to serving the poorest people in the United States of America, including anywhere in the world where we will be called to assist them.


The third star was Merzius Beldorin.  Just like his brothers, Merzius was a catechist director, who preached the good news to everyone.  He was the treasurer of the Community Council and he worked hard to help his brothers to change people’s lives for the greater good.  He was a great mentor in adult education where he taught them how to read and write.  He was also a volunteer health care assistant in Lavatiere and was responsible for collecting blood samples from anyone, who suffered with fever.  As a result, he discovered that a lot of people had malaria and had to be treated immediately.  Besides the town of Lavatiere, his principal residence was in Mare-Rouge, where he was greatly appreciated and seen as such a tremendous leader.  He was admired by his neighbors and his house was a place of entertainment for all.  Most of his neighbors, men and women, the old and the young, would meet every afternoon and every week-end to play cards, dominos, etc.  His wife, Mrs. Francilia Mernelas Beldorin was a pleasant woman who enjoyed company and always welcomed everyone to their house.  She was always willing to share and provide food and drinks to all who came to her home as they were entertained.  Mr. Merzius Beldorin was a very intelligent man and was always able to make the difference between good and bad.  One early morning, as he was on his way going to his farm, he met a man leading a cow down the road.  Merzius was suspicious of this and therefore asked the man for proof that the cow belonged to him.  Unfortunately, the man was unable to show any legal paperwork proving that the cow belonged to him.  He immediately placed the man under citizen’s arrest and called the closest police officer in the village to pick him up.  After questioning him, the man admitted that he stole the cow in order to sell it in a different town for a few hundred dollars because he was broke.  As a result, Mr. Merzius was congratulated by the officials of the government for a job well done.  Mr. Merzius was a very wise man and also considered to be a voice of reason in his neighborhood and to his family members.  He would often be able to diffuse a situation before he turned into a nightmare.  If some individuals had problems and got upset with each other, he would sit down with them in order to resolve the problem and reconcile them instead of seeking police intervention. 

It should be noted that after a lifetime of all his good works for his family and neighbors, he was called by the Lord at the age of 74.


Father Marcel Beldorin, a catholic priest and a spiritual adviser to Beldorin Four Star Foundation and his brother Bonnheur Beldorin, the secretary of the foundation, stated that their father was truly a blessing.  Not only a blessing to his family, but to the people of his town, who were inspired by his great accomplishments and as a result continue to work for the improvement of the poor throughout the world.

The fourth star, was Mrs. Philomene Beldorin Fortunat, who was married to a catechist director, who also preached the gospel of God.  Philomene served as a role model in her neighborhood and provided food to the poor during her entire lifetime.  She sometimes would walk several hours to visit sick people and would even console those who lost a love one anytime it occurred. Mrs. Philomene Beldorin Fortuna was a fervent catholic and made sure that she put the Christian values in them in order to keep her legacy alive from generations to come.  After serving a long mission in our world, she passed away at the age of 96.


According to her son Ronel Fortuna and her daughter Bertha Fortuna, Mrs. Philomene Beldorin Fortuna was a farmer like her 3 brothers and also business woman like their wives.  She had a huge heart and was greatly admired by her neighbors.  Philomene would do anything to assist them in feeding their children whenever necessary.

Image by Jordan Wozniak

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